Servant Leadership Over Titles

“We value humility and we serve freely. Servant leadership turns the power pyramid upside-down—instead of people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.” We believe that leaders work for the benefit of those that they lead. We try to place leaders in management positions, but we know that you don’t need […]
Escaping Screens and Becoming Closer

In the last 20 years, screens have become more abundant and captivating than ever. As technology has advanced and embedded itself deeper within our society, screens seem to control many aspects of our lives, for good or for bad. Escape rooms and other forms of creative entertainment have proven to be effective outlets, in which […]
How to Start and Keep a Gratitude Journal

Halloween is over and what exciting holiday is coming next??? If you said Christmas, this blog is for you. Fact: Thanksgiving is soon and it comes before Christmas. I feel bad for Thanksgiving because it often seems glanced over. I’m definitely guilty of premature caroling. Sure, we love to engage in gluttony when it’s most acceptable, but […]
How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Another year draws near to its finale and people all across the globe are hoping that this New Year is the year that pesky resolution will stick. According to U.S. News, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February. Sometimes we perceive our goals as unattainable or we lack genuine motivation […]
Creativity: How to Unlock Your “Right Brain”

Do you ever wonder how your brain works and why you exhibit more of one personality trait than the other? Although it’s only a myth, the idea that certain cognitive processes function more dominantly in the right half of the brain over the left half (and vice versa) is an interesting take on an answer […]
Escape Exercise: 5 Benefits of Escape Rooms

Halloween is just around the corner, so get ready for tricks and treats! And… horror movies. Cue the screeching violins. What is it about horror movies that draws us in? Maybe it’s our natural curiosity or our desire for a rush of adrenaline. Or maybe it’s because we can lose almost 200 calories by sitting around […]
Delight: How Disneyland Delights

At Red Door, we believe that joy is both an important ingredient and outcome. We work joyfully—faces smiling and hearts willing to serve. We work with delight (noun) and we work to delight (verb). 1. delightnoun | de·light | \ di-ˈlīt , dē- \1: a high degree of gratification or pleasure : joy ● children squealing in delight 2. delightverb | de·light | \ di-ˈlīt […]
Our Values

“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same,but you leave ‘em all over everything you do.”– The King, Elvis Presley Do you believe that your individual values affect every single one of your decisions? How about your behavior? You’ll often hear values described as pillars. Pillars are fundamental and foundational. They are characteristically supportive and […]
Authenticity Over Image

“We believe that only genuine people can make lasting impressions on those around them. We share our beliefs and intentions so that we can authentically connect with those we meet.” We all value authenticity and yet it is the hardest value to define, much less teach. At Red Door, we believe that authenticity starts with […]
Build For The Long Game: 3 Steps For Selling To Beliefs

Simon Sinek cannot be quoted enough for his approach to marketing. The heart of his philosophy is that you should sell to people that share your beliefs, rather than selling to people that simply need your product. The question really becomes whether you are playing the long game or the short game. In the short […]