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February 2022

As Dr. Suess so eloquently said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” In all seriousness, in order to be a great leader, you have to continue developing your leadership skills. It’s an ongoing process that top leaders continue throughout their careers. One of the best ways to do this is through great books. We polled the top leaders at Red Door Escape Room to find the top five favorite books that helped them hone their leadership skills.

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t

By Jim Collins

In this book Jim Collins and his team study companies that defied common business logic and made the leap from good to great. They then compare these to similar companies that failed to make the leap. Why did one company make it when others didn’t? You will have to read this book to find out!

How to Win Friends & Influence People

By Dale Carnegie

This is one of the best selling leadership books of all time and there’s a reason for it.  Originally published in 1936 it has been through several editions, updated with more modern anecdotes and stands the test of time. In this publication you will learn how to handle people, influence their way of thinking, and how to lead people towards change without inspiring resentment. It is one of the quintessential books for leadership.

Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

By Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee

This is the book that first solidified emotional intelligence on the map in the business world. If you struggle with empathy, motivation, or self awareness, you should definitely give this a read. The authors balance theory with business principles, showing you how to become a healthier, more effective emotional leader in order to inspire growth in others.

Expect to Win: 10 Proven Strategies for Thriving in the Workplace

By Carla A Harris

As Chairperson of the National Women’s Business Council, Carla A. Harris pens a poignant and inspiring book based on the lessons she has learned from her long career climbing the ladder of success. She gives practical advice to people who are trying to advance their careers into senior leadership. The book is filled with stories of mis-steps and solutions that speak to anyone attempting to lead in a corporate environment.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Daniel H. Pink

How you motivate your team and yourself is central to your leadership style and success. In this book, Daniel H. Pink talks about autonomy, mastery and meaningful work as methods of motivation. He steps outside the normal nomenclature of leadership and paints a picture from a different perspective.

There are hundreds of great leadership manuscripts out there, this list gives you a peek at some of our favorites. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep motivating yourself as well as your teams. It’s all about growth, and making real connections with your team.

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