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People Over Profit


February 2022

“At Red Door, we believe that people are the end game, not the means. 

We believe that investing in people is the best way to steward our resources.”

PEOPLE” is our first value because it is the foundation for why we exist as a business. Red Door does not exist simply to make money, we exist to make an impact in people’s lives. We do not provide a tangible human essential such as food or shelter, but we do support a basic human essential – the need for connection. We are in the business of building relationships and bringing joy to people. In a world that is becoming ever more digital, we facilitate the real human connection that is missing for so many people.

In order to do this for our customers, we need to first do this among ourselves and we put this goal forward every day we come into work. We make decisions that put our staff and our customers first and we invest our time and our energy into our people. We sometimes need to make tough people decisions but it is done from a place of love and by love, we mean for the ultimate good of the other.

As you will see weave through our values, we are long-term thinkers. We value people because we see the long-term and we realize that people are our greatest asset. A culture where people are valued above all will be a culture that is able to thrive and innovate through challenges. As a company founded on Christian values, we value people most because that is what God values most.

Resources: People Over Profit: Break the System, Live with Purpose, Be More Successful by Dale Partridge 
(Watch Dale Partridge speak about People Over Profit here)
Written by the Red Door Leaders

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