At Red Door, one of the five key pillars of leadership is vision. I believe that all people have the capability to visualize—the ability to create a clear mental picture of future events and opportunities. However, I believe that too few people exercise their vision. And as we know, only regular diligence will bear fruit.
Rather than try to argue that vision is important, I would like to give you three concrete situations to visualize. Make these a habit and you’ll see for yourself how powerful this tool is:
- Visualize your day as part of your morning routine—How do you want to feel? Calm? Focused? Steady? Joyful? Feel that feeling, then start your day.
- Visualize conversations prior to meetings. Ask yourself before starting— what does success look like in this meeting? Success in a meeting at work is both emotional and logistical. Getting into the mindset of success will encourage you towards that success and help you understand how to earn it.
- Visualize your career—the clearer the picture you are able to paint, the more likely you are to reach that point.
So next time you feel worried or nervous about the future, take a peek at the possibilities it holds for you. Visualize your success, then go after it!
P.S. Our escape rooms are an awesome place to practice what we discussed above. If you are interested you should check out the Red Door near you here.